Mental clarity makes a true friend for life, showing up at every turn. The contents of our minds drive our lives—whatever shape it’s in, the mind is behind the steering wheel of our thoughts and actions. I know from experience about this friendship and count on it. I also know that mental clarity can play a devilish game of hide and seek—that maintaining clarity takes work and persistence. We’re lost without it. Confusion leads us blindly, nowhere, bad wheres.
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The beauty of human hands. Hearing is believing. His fingers and voice in flight, guitarist Lindsey Buckingham vows that he’s “Never Going Back Again.” Hey now, enough, he reiterates, “been down one time / been down two time.” Haven’t we been down one time, now two times, too? Want to find out what it means to win? “Yeahhhhhhhh.” Stevie Nicks blends her voice with Buckingham’s. Yeah.
hints that springtime nears
democracy calls our names
as we swim birds sing