Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma’s 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner, is featured in The Philosopher’s Table in my chapter entitled “Persistence and Grace.” Among the quotes from Suu Kyi that I reference: “I don’t give up trying to be a better person…a battle that will go on my whole life.” “In my life I have been showered with kindness…more than love, I value kindness.”
Read MoreThe world is learning more each day of huge strides made in another “long walk to freedom,” this time in Burma, aka Myanmar. Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of this lengthy and surely ongoing struggle, links arms with King, Mandela, Gandhi and others who used nonviolent means to achieve many of their goals. Nonviolence wins in the long haul. I first learned of her in 1998 when I was in the audience for a gathering of Nobel Peace Prize Winners at the University of Virginia. Why was she under house arrest?
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The beauty of human hands. Hearing is believing. His fingers and voice in flight, guitarist Lindsey Buckingham vows that he’s “Never Going Back Again.” Hey now, enough, he reiterates, “been down one time / been down two time.” Haven’t we been down one time, now two times, too? Want to find out what it means to win? “Yeahhhhhhhh.” Stevie Nicks blends her voice with Buckingham’s. Yeah.
hints that springtime nears
democracy calls our names
as we swim birds sing