Hello, Nice to Meet You
Thanks for joining me in wonder, introspection, and questions “From the Philosopher’s Desk.”
Devotion to The Arts of Clear Thinking and Good Conversation lies at the heart of all my work—my books, teaching child philosophers and college students, talks and workshops, and travels with my philosopher’s toolkit. Hopefully this blog will offer readers plenty of fodder for zesty discussion and private musings. If I can give you just a touch of what a philosophical outlook has brought to my life, then hooray!
Count on free and far ranging topics—reflections on nature and sports, community and relationships…reports from my readers and participants in book events…ideas on film and music…occasionally a dive into pertinent local and global issues. I’ll share tales of dinner parties sparked by The Philosopher’s Table, twists on recipes, and shouts of laughter. Look forward to nuggets of philosophic wisdom from children (Little Big Minds). The “10 Ideas That Matter Most” featured in How Philosophy Can Save Your Life—simplicity or belonging or joy—will hold our attention. Whenever possible, count on humor and a light touch.
Given my insistence on the importance of language and the necessity of utmost care in our choice of words, I’ll write only when I think it deserves your time. Here’s to the freedom that mental clarity provides, and to the sweet satisfaction of genuine communication that wraps our lives together.